Mandatory product safety standards

A list of products regulated in New Zealand, that must meet specific requirements of products safety standards.

What a product safety standard covers

A product safety standard may cover:

  • the nature of the product and its performance — for example, composition, contents, manufacture, processing, design, construction, finish or packaging
  • tests the product should go through during or after manufacture
  • the form and content of any markings, warnings or instructions on the product.

Buy copies of product safety standards

Product safety standards can be purchased from Standards New Zealand Te Mana Tautikanga o Aoteaora.

Standards New Zealand Te Mana Tautikanga o Aoteaora(external link)

Enforcing product safety standards

You can be fined up to $200,000 for any one individual, or up to $600,000 for a company if you supply, advertise or offer to supply any goods that don't comply with the requirements set out in the relevant product safety standard.


Product safety standards are enforced by the Commerce Commission New Zealand in-market. They include guidance to help you understand and comply with the product safety standards.

Product safety standards — Commerce Commission New Zealand Te Komihana Touhokohoko(external link)

At the border

Product safety standards are enforced by the New Zealand Customs Service at the border. Customs may request documentary evidence of compliance or inspect your goods before they're permitted to enter New Zealand.

Goods that don't comply with a mandated product safety standard are deemed prohibited imports under the Customs and Excise Act 1996. It's an offence to import these goods, and the goods can be seized by Customs and forfeit.

Permits to import alerts — New Zealand Customs Service Te Mana Ārai o Aotearoa(external link)

Introducing a new product safety standard

Product safety standards are put in place by the Minister of Commerce and Consumer Affairs under section 29 of the Fair Trading Act 1986.

Before recommending that a product safety standard be introduced, the Minister must:

  • consult with everyone who will be substantially affected by the proposed product safety standard
  • provide those people with an opportunity to comment, and
  • consider those comments.