Dulux Precision Coating Remover Test Patch Kit 52YD0205-UNIT Batch W2203456
Product Identifiers
Product ID: 52YD0205
Batch W2203456 sold at 8 Dulux Trade Centres and 6 Guthrie Bowron stores. Namely: Kingsland Dulux Trade Centre, New Plymouth Dulux Paint Centre, Palmerston North Dulux Trade Centre, Lower Hutt Dulux Paint Centre, Napier Dulux Trade Centre, Hastings Dulux Trade Centre , Northwood Dulux Trade Centre, Kapiti Dulux Paint Centre, Guthrie Bowron Nelson, Guthrie Bowron Rangiora, Guthrie Bowron Alexandra, Guthrie Bowron Blenheim, Guthrie Bowron Motueka, and Guthrie Bowron Gore.
Supplier Contact
The Hazard!
Some of the screw top lids of the ‘RED’ sample pot in the test kit may not have been screwed tightly enough, and product may leak out, especially if the box or sample pot is not in an upright position.
The contents of the sample pot are corrosive. If the product comes into contact with the skin or eyes, it may cause burning or irritation. If any contact occurs, you should flush eyes with water, thoroughly wash skin and clothing, and seek medical help in the case of a reaction.
What to do...
Consumers should wear PPE (long sleeves and pants, apron, closed shoes, nitrile rubber gloves and safety glasses) and carefully inspect the unopened sample pots in the test patch kit for signs of leakage. If there is leakage, tighten the pot lids and clean the pot(s) of any contamination, using disposable rags. Dispose of rags appropriately. If the box has been contaminated, place the box and its contents in a plastic bag and return it to your place of purchase for a refund or a replacement. If there is no leakage, ensure that all pot lids are tightly secured. The product is safe for use.
Product Identifiers
Product ID: 52YD0205
Batch W2203456 sold at 8 Dulux Trade Centres and 6 Guthrie Bowron stores. Namely: Kingsland Dulux Trade Centre, New Plymouth Dulux Paint Centre, Palmerston North Dulux Trade Centre, Lower Hutt Dulux Paint Centre, Napier Dulux Trade Centre, Hastings Dulux Trade Centre , Northwood Dulux Trade Centre, Kapiti Dulux Paint Centre, Guthrie Bowron Nelson, Guthrie Bowron Rangiora, Guthrie Bowron Alexandra, Guthrie Bowron Blenheim, Guthrie Bowron Motueka, and Guthrie Bowron Gore.