2 March 2022

Cotton On Kids Baby Swim Ring

Product Identifiers

Sold at Cotton On, Cotton On Kids and online at https://cottonon.com between October 2021 and 17 February 2022

Cotton On Kids Baby Swim Ring
Product codes: 7342502 all colours

The Hazard!

The product does not comply with the safety standard for swimming and flotation aids.

The product:

  1. has only one inflation chamber, instead of the minimum of two required by the standard,
  2. was not sold with the required information booklet, and
  3. is not marked with the correct warning label.

There is an increased risk of drowning if the product deflates during use or is not used correctly.

What to do...

Stop using the product and return it to any Cotton On or Cotton On Kids store for a refund.

For more information, contact Cotton On.

Product Identifiers

Sold at Cotton On, Cotton On Kids and online at https://cottonon.com between October 2021 and 17 February 2022

Cotton On Kids Baby Swim Ring
Product codes: 7342502 all colours