The Flash Receiver BE1442, part of The Visit System
Back-up battery connecting to smoke alarm transmitter

Product Identifiers

Supplied in New Zealand from November 2017 The Flash Receiver BE1442, is a part of the Visit System. The Visit System comprises wireless sensors to detect, for example, phone calls, doorbells, smoke alarm alerts or family member’s push button calls. Once a sensor is activated, it sends a wireless signal to a wireless receiver in the Visit System, so people with reduced hearing are alerted inside their home.

Supplier Contact

Bellman & Symfon AB

Responsible Agency

The Hazard!

There is a risk where the Flash Receiver is connected to the smoke alarm transmitter and a power outage occurs. When the Flash receiver is powered by the power adapter, the back-up battery is charged until fully charged and then the charging stops. The identified issue is that the charging of the back-up batteries is not re-initiated unless the device is turned off and on again at the wall (ie. the power adapter is unplugged and re-connected or a power outage). The batteries last approximately 4 months. If the batteries are empty and there is a fire at the same time as a power cut and everyone in the dwelling relies on the system in relation to limited hearing abilities then there is a fire detection hazard with potential for increased risk of injury and property damage.

What to do...

Contact Bellman & Symfon to organsie a replacement back up battery for your Flash Receiver.

Product Identifiers

Supplied in New Zealand from November 2017 The Flash Receiver BE1442, is a part of the Visit System. The Visit System comprises wireless sensors to detect, for example, phone calls, doorbells, smoke alarm alerts or family member’s push button calls. Once a sensor is activated, it sends a wireless signal to a wireless receiver in the Visit System, so people with reduced hearing are alerted inside their home.

Supplier Contact

Bellman & Symfon AB

Responsible Agency